1. What is the team's website address? www.sea-y.org
2. What is the primary communication for parents to read? There is a weekly newsletter. The link is sent out via email and they are available on the website. If you are not receiving email updates from south.eastern.aquatics@gmail.com, please email a request.
3. Can I get a discount of Kiefer Swim Shop in Zion, IL? Yes, the discount is 15%. Just mention to the cashier that you are a member of the SEA Swim Team.
4. Is there a team suit? Yes, it is a solid black w/green strips and our team logo. It can be purchased at the Elsmore Swim Shop, via their website.
6. Is there a team swim cap? Yes, and it should be worn at all swim meets. Purchase swim caps from coaches for $15 for silicone or $5 for latex.
7. Is SEA on Facebook? Yes, while logged into Facebook, search for "SEA SWIM TEAM" - it's a closed group, you'll need to request to join.
8. Is SEA on Twitter? Yes, while logged into Twitter, search "@SEAWisconsin."
9. Is SEA on Instagram? Yes, while logged into Instagram, search "seaswimteam."
10. How do I know if my swimmer is ready for a meet and what events do I enter? All swimmers on the team are ready for meets. To enter a meet, simply notify Coach Neil.
11. How do I put money in escrow? Make a check payable to SEA (usually $50, more if you plan on attending many meets) and forward it to Neil Wright, 3210 96th Street, Sturtevant, WI 53177.
12. What if I sign-up for a meet and my swimmer does not compete? If you know ahead of time, please let Coach Neil know as he may have put your swimmer on a relay. This may allow him time to find someone else to swim. You will still be charged for the events your swimmer does not swim.
13. Do I have to work at the meets? Yes, volunteers are crucial to the success of the program. Please contact Jose Arteaga at joseharteaga@gmail.com regarding volunteer requirements.
14. If I have question regarding fundraising, who should I contact? Shay Borzynski at sborzynski@gmail.com.
15. If I have a question regarding general information, who should I contact? Contact your Head Coach, Neil Wright at south.eastern.aquatics@gmail.com or at 262.994.3157.